Important Announcement

Empower The Workers’ Union does offer help, when we can, to workers in difficulty at work but who are not already members of the Union. If you are not yet a member but you need representation then you should email , providing some details of the problem that you face. We cannot guarantee to be able to help everyone but you have nothing to lose by getting in touch to see if we can…All enquiries are completely confidential and you will get a reply quickly.

Our website domain has moved, so we no longer have a booking page. Any general queries should now also go to

A truly worker led trade union, empowering workers to organise for a better working life.

Empower is a trade union that offers more than just representation at meetings when things go wrong. We do that, but this is a union which empowers workers to make the changes they want to see in their workplace. Bringing workers together and standing up against workplace injustice, bullying, poor pay and conditions.

“If you wait for your boss to raise your pay, we’ll all be waiting until judgement day”

Workers in unionised workplaces are significantly better paid on average than those in workplaces without a union. There is a good reason for that!

No employer gives away decent pay, sick pay or other benefits because they care. They do it because they have to! With Empower The Workers’ Union, the ability to demand better pay and conditions is in your hands.

“You can’t just join a trade union to get help…”

With Empower The Workers’ Union, you can! We know that sometimes it is only when things get tough that workers turn to a union for help. But they stay members once the storm passes and then help others! All for one and one for all!

Assistance for all work problems, including grievance and disciplinary is there for new members from day one. We ask only that you pay an affordable fee for any help. Help is completely free for all members after 3 months.

“My work doesn’t do unions”

75% of workers in the UK are not in unions, and employers are getting away with everything! That’s because when workers unite the bosses have to listen and play fair!

Empower The Workers’ Union will help you and your colleagues change all that. With our help, you work will have to ‘do unions’ and you’ll wonder how you survived without it.

A Campaigning Union

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Empower The Workers’ Union believes in equality, in a world free of discrimination where workers share in the wealth they create. A world worth fighting for!

Whatever your reason for joining, we cannot wait to welcome you to our campaigning trade union. We will fight for equality, fairness and justice and we want YOU to help us win! Together, there is nothing we cannot do. We will be on your side! Workers fighting for workers.

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